The Riders

Every year, locals and visitors have the chance to admire the impressive procession of horses elegantly adorned with colourful and rich harnesses, led by horsemen dressed in the traditional Sardinian and Spanish clothes: all of this is expression of the search for beauty and opulence cared for by the riders of sa Sartiglia.

Corteo in via Duomo

Within the two days of the festival, 40 “pairs” participate, each consisting of three riders.

All the riders are members of the Amateur Sports Association “Cavalieri Sa Sartiglia”. The association, founded in 1980, coordinates about 200 riders and every year it provides the list of the 120 riders who will take part in the race.

The riders train for an entire year in order to take part in sa Sartiglia. The training is long and complex and a very important part is that of teamwork building between the horsemen of a pariglia.